It is not surprising that remarkable businesses or projects are not successful today because of no particular or planned business strategies. One of the important strategies is ISO standards by understanding, implementing, and maintaining them in the business processes. has the solution to overcome the problem:
  • Hiring expensive experts
  • The time of wasting in brainstorming
  • Messing with creating in appropriate formats
  • Facing the challenges of document gap during certification process including audits
  • Loosing the certifications means loosing the potential and existing customer
The prepared and ready kits and packs of ISO documentation delivers comfort to the organizations and individuals to meet their KPIs for the strategic directions and enhance their desired ISO management system for the implementation or certification anytime. Find your desired documentation pack reference to your need of organizational size, volume, scope of business and budget.

Platinum Document Kits

Standard Document Kits

Basic Document Kits

Internal Audit Kits

About Us

About Group

is a group company of Global Standards Consultants (Pvt) Limited in Pakistan. It is the first e-commerce-based company that offers the online purchase of ISO and related management system documentation kits to individual and corporate users. The variety of documents and types of required documents have been considered for self-assessment using the kit of internal audit or assessment to ensure the current status of the organization and complete package of document kit to satisfy the organizational needs against the management and third-party certification.

How it Works

Believe us; it is very easy

How it Works

Believe us; it is very easy

Documentation Pack

Internal Audit Pack

Training Programs

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