What is risk-based thinking?

Using a risk-based approach denotes:

  • Assessing opportunities and hazards
  • Making plans to deal with them
  • Putting them into practise in a quality management system
  • Assessing their efficiency

By maintaining consistency in your associations with products and businesses, risk-based thinking will assist you in enhancing customer loyalty and confidence. This need forces you to organise a proactive workforce for the foresight of threats and updates.

Risk-based thinking: what is it?

Instead than addressing “anticipation” as a separate component of a quality administration system, one of the key modifications in the 2015 revision of ISO 9001 is to establish a systematic approach to dealing with thinking about risk.

All components of a quality management system must accept risk. Risks exist for the entire system, cycles, and capacities. Risk-based thinking ensures that these risks are identified, considered, and managed through the design and application of the quality management system.

An exclusion for preventive activities was made in earlier iterations of ISO 9001. The idea of risk is essential when using risk-based thinking. It shifts from being reactive to being proactive in preventing or reducing undesirable effects by early detection of evidence and behaviour. When a quality management system is risk-based, preventive activity is at its core.

We all think about risks in our daily lives, so it comes naturally to us.

Model: Before crossing a street, I check to see if there is any traffic. Before a moving automobile, I won’t stop.

The upgrade combines risk-based thinking, which has always been a part of ISO 9001, throughout the entire administrative system.

Risk-based thinking should be taken into account when developing ISO 9001:2015, making preventive action a natural part of planning, training, investigation, and assessment procedures.

The cycle approach now requires the use of risk-based thinking.

A quality administration framework has cycles, but not every cycle addresses the same level of risk to the association’s ability to achieve its objectives. Some require more formal, cautious planning and controls than others.

Model: I have two options for crossing the street: I can go across it directly or I can use the nearby footbridge. The decision I make will be influenced by my awareness of the risks.

Risk is typically thought to only have bad outcomes, although danger can have both good and negative effects.

Dangers and opportunities are frequently used in conjunction in ISO 9001:2015. Opportunity is not a benefit of risk. A chance is a circumstance that makes it possible to achieve a goal. There are different levels of danger involved in accepting or rejecting an open door at that time.


Straight across the street gives me the opportunity to get to the other side quickly, but if I take that open door, there is a greater risk of getting hurt by moving cars.

Internal Customer Focus

Our employees are our internal customers; we understand their needs and expectation to ask for their full outcome to deliver the best to our external customers. We never differentiate our employees for anything that comes under discrimination for its recent definition.